To relieve teenage stress, try Swedish, deep tissue, or Siatsu massage. Imagine receiving a healing touch massage after a big test at school. What about a full-time massage that massages you when you need after work or exercise at a gym after school? Okay, these ideas can seem ideal and a little expensive. However, many experts agree that healing touch massage can alleviate the harmful effects of our fast-paced lives, promote well-being, and help prevent diseases. Massage is a scientific manipulation of soft tissues in the body. The goal is to improve muscle tone and circulation. It can be a great way to improve healing. This is the opinion of Dr. Harris McIlwayne, a rheumatologist certified by the board of directors and head coach of the Tampa Bay Spirit men's football team. "Massages affect all body systems, from the circulatory system and nervous system to digestion and emotions. Using a massage to end pain or excessive injury caused by exercise helps speed up healing and r...